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Durationator Copyright Resources
We've gathered resources. We've made some too.
Copyright in the United States
Module 1: Introduction
Module 2: Copyright Status of U.S. Domestic Works
Module 3: Copyright Status of Foreign Works in the US
Module 4: Unpublished Works in the US
Module 5: Section 108(h) for Libraries and Archives
Module 6: Fair Use Tools
Module 7: Classroom Uses Tools
Module 8: The Special Case of Pre-1972 Sound Recordings
Module 9: The Special Case of Government Works
Module 10: The Special Case of Audiovisual Works
Copyright Around the World
Module 1: Introduction
Module 2: North America
Module 3: Europe
Module 4: Asia
Module 5: Australia and Pacific Ocean
Module 6: Africa
Module 7: The Middle East
Module 8: Central and South America
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