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Join our Durationator Community


The Durationator community is an important part of our success--law students, alumni, scholars, experts, incubators, lawyers, libraries, museums, institutions, universities, and our friends and family who have been willing to work, help, volunteer, and just generally support our efforts over the last years. We are our community. As we move to our next phase of development, from project to Product, we want to keep in mind everyone who has helped us get to where we are, and will continue to be part of who we are.


Our Community So Far


Our Copyright Advisory Board. IP scholars and practioners who have helped and supported us along the way as we worked on the Durationator at Tulane Law School.


Our Founding Strategic Research Partners. Supportive institutions and individuals who have worked with us.  These have been key people, libraries, museums, and IP scholars who have worked with us to understand how to build a system that would actually help provide the research needed.  We are eternally grateful for their samples, patience and encouragement.


Our Team Durationator. Our students and alumni network of hard working, dedicated, and kind people.


Our Tulane home. We couldn't do any of this without you.


Our legal and business support team We've had a lot of help along the way.  We've also learned some important entrepreneurial lessons.






New Community


As we grow into our new role as a product, we want to be cognizant of keeping community as part of that mission. Ways to join our community?


Early Adopter Customers. We love you. We need you. You get lots of attention at a great price. Email  Through December 2017, get 40% off discount using: EarlyDurationator 


Copyright Experts. We will be searching for copyright experts interested in participating in our Alpha testing and Durationator Sessions, which are part reviewing the system/part academic conference on the state of duration. Our testing is being conducted by the Copyright Research Lab at Tulane Law School.  Please contact Dr. Elizabeth Townsend Gard at


Attorneys. We often get people who want/need an attorney to look over the results from a Durationator Search. We provide legal information, of course, and not legal advice. We want to make a list of helpful resources for the next step. If you are interested in joining our list of resources, please Dr. Elizabeth Townsend Gard at






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